Part 2 – The Wire Gauge & Archwires

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Part 2 – The Wire Gauge & Archwires

In part one of this 2-part series we covered the wire gauge showing you how to use the device. Today, we are covering the different type of wires that you would use in your office.  Each wire has different properties ranging from rigid to flexible. In order to know how to use the wire best we need to know what type of wire we are dealing with.

In the video below Mike walks you through the differences of each. Here’s a quick overview:

  • Stainless Steel wires are rigid and have very little flexibility.
  • CNA wires are more solvent and although it’s still rigid it allows a little more flexibility.
  • Nickle Titanium is considered more flexible and elastic having the ability to bend and snap right back into place.
  • Thermal Plus Niti has the same properties as Niti but when chilled, can be formed and easily manipulated without putting stress on you bracket. Then the warmth of the mouth allows the wire to return to it’s original form.

Check out the video to see more details.




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