Do you have trouble with patients complying with hygiene? Are you tired of seeing decalcification around your brackets during treatment? Are you tired of seeing discoloration of teeth because of poor hygiene during orthodontic treatment? Five Star has the solution for you!
DenteShield™ is an orthodontic bond and sealant that contains Seldox™ technology. DenteShield™ is a selenium-based antimicrobial agent that is safe and has been FDA approved. Seldox™ is a selenium-based antimicrobial agent and has a patented formulation of organic compounds proven to inhibit bacterial growth. Selenium is safe and is a naturally occurring element that is non-toxic, and the amount within the product is minimal and won’t hurt you.
Clinical tests show a significant reduction or elimination of demineralization, are white spot lesions, around orthodontic brackets with teeth treated with Seldox™ technology. Seldox™ technology creates a blanket of protection on the teeth just like a sealant would. When bacteria attempt to colonize on the Seldox™ surface, it significantly reduces bacterial growth and plaque. Surfaces treated with Seldox™ remain cleaner due to less bacterial growth and plaque accumulation on the tooth.
DenteShield™ can replace your current orthodontic bond resin. Use it as your bond and don’t have to add any other bonding agent to it. If you are happy with the bond resin you’re using, you can use this in addition to your resin already in use. Apply DenteShield™ first, cure it, and then apply your bond resin if you choose.
Check out this link to clinical studies on Seldox™ technology! : Seldox™
Purchase your bottle of DenteShield™ here! : DenteShield™